Several John Deere Pictures
Owned by E. Meyer

Mr. B. Meyer sent along a picture of his 1954 40 Utility, Serial # 61917. I asked him for any other pictures of information he may have, and he passed along the following:

The 40U I have was restored by my Dad [E. Meyer] who lives in Missouri. He collects JD's and presently has 14 of them. Attached is a picture of a few of them. (This picture was taken the first of July 1999 when I went out to visit him.) Some of the more rare tractors he has are two 320U's, and a 40V. One of the 320's is fully restored and the 40V is next in line. As you may know, only 329 40V's were produced."

Here is the picture referred to earlier.

"This is Dad and some of his work. The rusty tractor is an MT. He uses it with a 7-foot cycle mower. It uses one gallon of gas per hour while mowing.

The tractors are, from near to far = 1957 320U, 1954 40U, M, MT, 40T, MT, 1937 Unstyled A, 420U, and 430."

"This is the 40U and 320U. That's me on the left with my son. My brother is on the 320."

"This is a neat collection of 40's. From left to right = 40U, 40T, and 40V."

Mr. Meyer has also promised to send along before and during restoration pictures of his 40U. I'm eagerly looking forward to seeing these!

As promised, here are the pictures Mr. Meyer sent along.

40 on trailer Primed Removing center frame
Another angle Rear view Back together

Mr. Meyer has now created his own web site. Stop by for a visit!