Here are several more pictures of specific details of the A. These were taken prior to getting it running in 1993, and it had been sitting in the barn for 4 years, hence the cobwebs and dust.
These pictures are not intended to look at a showroom tractor. But have you ever looked through your tractor books, trying to find a picture of a specific detail of your model tractor? That is what these pictures are for. I took them for myself so that I could check specific details while at home, prior to getting the tractor to my farm.
Here is a picture of the 3-point hitch I bought for my A
about five years ago. It is constructed of mainly 1/4" and 1/2" steel.
It was built by a man who lives near Saginaw who builds these when he's
not repairing tractors for a living. It cost $350. I have never had a
single problem with it!
For information on the Powr-Trol unit, go to my Powr-Trol page.